Tuesday 10 February 2009

Do UFO's Exist? By Keira Yr6

Many people believe that UFOs are real which some people don't. It is believed they exist and are driven around by little green men which are called aliens.

How do we know if UFOs exist?

Some people have seen these strange lights hovering over villages, cities and towns. It is thought most people think they are aeroplanes and other veicles. People think they are flying saucers or something else people don't know.

Crop Circles!

Witnesses have mentioned crop circles and said something about them. For some reason they don't appear all the time. Then individuals complain about strange things on the ground and they believe UFOs exist.

The Evidence

On the 9th of January 2009

Unidentified orange lights have been spotted in Northampton's night sky-and those who saw them said the object is not an air craft but some are not sure.

So do you believe?

I am not quite sure but i am in between it looks like they are real but then it dosen't.

My Opinion

I think it is a good thing to learn at school because it is giving me more infomation on UFOs which I didn't know about before!

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